Friday, September 17, 2010

3rd Drawer Down

In my kitchen the drawer at the top is full with knives, spoons, forks and all that cutlery jazz

Second Drawer has just got the normal glad wrap, foil, apple peelers, and those sandwich plastic bags or whatever you call them

Then you come to the third drawer. This drawer I've noticed has always got the weirdest shit you can find. It has plastic bands, matchsticks, massive knives we never use, envelopes, sticky tape, blu tac, batteries that don't work, receipts, candles the whole works really...

Friday, September 3, 2010

You've changed

I rarely ever feel like this but, you finally made me reach the point of crying my eyes out today. Thanks.

25 day challenge

Well as you can probably see, I'm doing SO badly in this challenge I have decided to quit it. Um, yeah that's all bye :) lmfao