01. Five most important/memorable childhood memories
02. Ten random facts about yourself
03. Seven secrets
04. Top 10 Favorite movies of all time
05. Top 10 Favorite songs of all time
06. Ten facts about your hometown
07. List the people in your family & a random fact about them
08. Top 10 favorite movie or TV show characters of all time
09. A random list of random things that you remember from school
11. Five chores that you love, 5 chores that you hate
12. List five things about a person who changed your life
13. Top 10 things you look for in a friend
14. Top 10 things you look for in a lover
15. 10 places you want to visit before you die
16. Put your music player on shuffle, list the first 10 songs that come up
17. 5 favorite actors, 5 favorite actresses
18. Favourite Colour
19. 10 things that you could not live without
20. 10 favorite websites
21. 10 favorite games
22. 10 things that you love about yourself
23. 5 Favorite Foods, 5 least favorite foods
24. 10 most influential people/things/events in your life
25. 10 of your wildest dreams