Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 8

I'm doing so bad in this challenge, haha
Top 10 favorite movie or TV show characters of all time

Recess! TJ, Gus, Spinelli, Mikey, Gretchen and Vince

Freddie- Skins

Sid- Skins

The Simpson's family

Bubbles- Finding Nemo

Spongebob- Spongebob Sqaurepants

Dory- Finding Nemo

JD + Turk- Scrubs

Dale and Brennan- Step Brothers

Boo- Monsters Inc

Friday, August 27, 2010


During Vietnam my grandfather was taken back to base when his best friend had to wait to be taken back on the second trip.

Before they got back, his friend was captured.

My grandpa searched for months trying to find him. And when he finally did, the first thing to come out of his mouth was, "I told you I would come back for you".

True best friends GMH


Well, Autosalon is on from tomorrow till Sunday I think and all I really have to say is
I'm not quite sure why I didn't get my tickets soon enough as, well, it was something I was looking forward too, haha. Ah well. Next year I suppose?


The number of times this has happened to me...

Day 6+7

Ten facts about your hometown- MELBOURNE!
01. It's a pretty cool place to stay
02. Has some of the best people
03. Shit water storage levels
04. Weather changes more quickly then you can say supercalafragalisticexpealidosious
05. Number one city for sport, not that it's interesting but it's a fact
06. John So. Nuff said.
07. We have the worst traffic
08. Trains and trams are horrible
09. We have almost every Muzza on this earth
10. It's very rare to find a taxi driver that isn't Indian

List the people in your family & a random fact about them

Mum- She was born in the Philippines and is the biggest clean freak you will ever meet
Dad- He was born in England and has a strong passion for hating cats
Brother- He's a pretty cool guy, although most of the time is a total newb

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Top 10 favourite songs

Bobby Mcferrin- Don't Worry be Happy
Coldplay- Life in Technicolour II/Fix You
Daft Punk-Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
Paramore- My Heart

Deadmau5- Strobe

Jamie T- Sticks n Stones

Crystal Castles- Celestica

Taking Back Sunday- Sink Into Me

Kanye West- Hey Mama

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Top 10 Favourite Movies

Little Miss Sunshine

Cool Runnings

Hot Fuzz

Nanny Diaries

Step Brothers

Napoleon Dynamite

Finding Nemo

Slumdog Millionaire

White Chicks


Miranda Kerr

she's so amazinggg!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Seven Secrets

Well, to be honest I can't really think of seven secrets so I'll just put down four haha

01. I'm really afraid of going to far places alone

02. I hate girlygirls

03. I like you

04. I'm chuck norris

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ten random facts about yourself

01. I'm a bit of an optimistic person. I don't really like getting sad or angry over the littlest things, instead I kinda just focus on what positives I can get out of it

02. I like playing on the PS3, watching car shows like Top Gear, going to the Grand Prix etc.

03. I love photography

04. I'm half Filo, half British but was born in Australia

05. I love going to music festivals and concerts

06. I like going to the airport, I'm not sure why but I think it's because of the atmosphere it has their.

07. I always tip out the wrong amount of vitamins in my hand. I always get too much or too little and always end up not getting the last vitamin but getting the little bag that says 'do not eat' lmfao

08. I've dyed my hair four times, not that it's interesting or anything I just couldn't figure out another fact about me haha

09. I'd love to visit many places around the world

10. I'm batman.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Pandora: I'm Pandora. I'm useless.
JJ: I'm JJ. With regard to mathematics aptitude I'm in the top 0.3% of the population which is an interesting demographic statistic because paradoxically my communication interpersonal and intuitive skills are towards the lower quartiles.
Katie: I'm Katie. I've never not had a boyfriend since I was seven.
Emily: I'm Emily. Never had a boyfriend.
Naomi: I'm Naomi. I hate injustice. People tell lies about me.
Effy: I'm Effy and I think my mum's having an affair.
Freddie: I'm Freddie. I met a girl I liked today. She's like beautiful. That's it.


'Hello, little dragons!'
Congratulations! You are now free from your 12 years of knowledge prison! The main difference for you between life yesterday and life tomorrow is that you can go to the bathroom whenever you want. It's a pretty big responsibility but you've earned it. Follow your dreams, unless your dreams are stupid. Like eating all the cake in the world. Be kind to people. Good luck with everything and don't become addicted to heroin, unless you want to be a great songwriter'
-Eugene Mirman, best quote ever! :D



Five most important/memorable childhood memories

01. Memorable- Visiting family from the Philippines. I had so much fun there with playing with my cousins at the beach, the shopping, having the massive meals with the family, watching the boxing and so much more, and it was also important too because although none of us knew that it would happen it would have been the last time I saw my uncle sards and I can remember so many funny times with him and it still hurts me now that he's gone, but at least somewhere up their in peace

02. Memorable- Watching shows like Fireman Sam, Bear in the Big Blue House, The Wiggles etc. for hours and hours and never getting sick of them and I'm pretty sure this is now why I'm a couch potato, haha

03. Important- England trip. Back in about 2001 or 2002, it made me realize that I shouldn't take my parents for granted

04. Memorable- Christmas times. They were so much more exciting when I believed in Santa, lmfao

05. Memorable- How everything was so carefree and simple. I liked how it didn't matter how you looked, what you ate, whether or not you were going to get last minute homework finished, what you listened too and so much more. I miss how easy everything was, but that's life I guess

25 day challenge!

01. Five most important/memorable childhood memories
02. Ten random facts about yourself
03. Seven secrets
04. Top 10 Favorite movies of all time
05. Top 10 Favorite songs of all time
06. Ten facts about your hometown
07. List the people in your family & a random fact about them
08. Top 10 favorite movie or TV show characters of all time
09. A random list of random things that you remember from school
11. Five chores that you love, 5 chores that you hate
12. List five things about a person who changed your life
13. Top 10 things you look for in a friend
14. Top 10 things you look for in a lover
15. 10 places you want to visit before you die
16. Put your music player on shuffle, list the first 10 songs that come up
17. 5 favorite actors, 5 favorite actresses
18. Favourite Colour
19. 10 things that you could not live without
20. 10 favorite websites
21. 10 favorite games
22. 10 things that you love about yourself
23. 5 Favorite Foods, 5 least favorite foods
24. 10 most influential people/things/events in your life
25. 10 of your wildest dreams

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Besides walking the 8km, I really liked today :)
and I found this hilarious, haha

Frank Stallone

Frank stallone, Let me be Frank with you for one night stallonley, the fully Frank tour ( not quite sure that's the order) is on and well, I wish I had better bandwith lmao BUT, I reckon this concert will be epic and somehow hilarious. Thanks Hamish and Andy for bringing Frank aka God here :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

I miss Misty :(


I don't get why everyone wants to move schools all of a sudden, its as if it's some new trend or whatever.


There's always that one chick on facebook who:
1) Posts the most depressing, annoying and attention seeking statuses
2) Posts the 'LIKE MY STATUS AND I'LL RATE YOU ON UR LOOKS ;)' Every. Day.
and 3) Posts their whole life story in one status, who wishes to get a like or comment but never does and then ends up deleting it

Honestly, gtfoutta my house.

Heavy Rain

This game, is addicting.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Little miss UK

So, last night I decided to watch this show that was called something like 'Toddlers in Tiaras'. I read the description of the show and was kind of intrigued by it, as I've heard a lot of negative stuff about kids pageants but have never actually seen what it would be like in those kids shoes (minus the fact I have seen Little Miss Sunshine and near the end of the movie there's a beauty pageant for kids, but that doesn't count haha) Anyway, not even halfway through watching it, I already felt so bad for the kids, as they get put through so much stress and pain of trying to lose weight, making sure they get there dance/singing perfect, making sure they look 'pretty enough' and the list goes on, and I'm not sure about you but I don't think I really ever was put through that much. Not only that, but it was also the parents that made me so angry because nearly most of them forced the poor kids to join the pageant so they could win the prize money of about $5,000 and said that if they make their daughter join that pageant it would make their self esteem go up, which I really disagreed about. Towards the end of the program it shows the kids getting a fake tan twice, gluing on the acrylic nails, putting about 2 bottles of hairspray in their hair, caking on the makeup etc. and when they showed every girl with their look for that night all I could think of was 'gross, gross, gross, gross' haha. When it came too the bit were they announced the runner up and winner, I felt so bad for the kids that didn't win anything, seeing as though they went through all that time and effort making sure they were in the right state of mind thinking they were definitely going to win, but in the end all their hard work basically just came crashing down in an instant. This made me come to an obvious conclusion that beauty pageants for the little ones, does not in any way shape or form make them confident, feel good about their appearance, happy etc. It only ruins them and by making them feel not worthy enough, pretty, confident it really just doesn't feel right for anyone to be put through, and the only way they could even feel any achievement out of it, is if they actually won it.

Well, that was my rant for tonight and I'm off to go get my over sized jumper as it's so fucking cold right now and watch the footy show since I haven't watched that in like forever, haha

taking photos is fun

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Hi there blogspot! Well today I made my blogspot account and well you're kind of confusing with the layouts and designing and that but I think I'll get used to you.  My blog will basically have me writing down thoughts, ideas, photos, rants, pointless shit etc. Enjoy! :)