Thursday, August 12, 2010

Little miss UK

So, last night I decided to watch this show that was called something like 'Toddlers in Tiaras'. I read the description of the show and was kind of intrigued by it, as I've heard a lot of negative stuff about kids pageants but have never actually seen what it would be like in those kids shoes (minus the fact I have seen Little Miss Sunshine and near the end of the movie there's a beauty pageant for kids, but that doesn't count haha) Anyway, not even halfway through watching it, I already felt so bad for the kids, as they get put through so much stress and pain of trying to lose weight, making sure they get there dance/singing perfect, making sure they look 'pretty enough' and the list goes on, and I'm not sure about you but I don't think I really ever was put through that much. Not only that, but it was also the parents that made me so angry because nearly most of them forced the poor kids to join the pageant so they could win the prize money of about $5,000 and said that if they make their daughter join that pageant it would make their self esteem go up, which I really disagreed about. Towards the end of the program it shows the kids getting a fake tan twice, gluing on the acrylic nails, putting about 2 bottles of hairspray in their hair, caking on the makeup etc. and when they showed every girl with their look for that night all I could think of was 'gross, gross, gross, gross' haha. When it came too the bit were they announced the runner up and winner, I felt so bad for the kids that didn't win anything, seeing as though they went through all that time and effort making sure they were in the right state of mind thinking they were definitely going to win, but in the end all their hard work basically just came crashing down in an instant. This made me come to an obvious conclusion that beauty pageants for the little ones, does not in any way shape or form make them confident, feel good about their appearance, happy etc. It only ruins them and by making them feel not worthy enough, pretty, confident it really just doesn't feel right for anyone to be put through, and the only way they could even feel any achievement out of it, is if they actually won it.

Well, that was my rant for tonight and I'm off to go get my over sized jumper as it's so fucking cold right now and watch the footy show since I haven't watched that in like forever, haha

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